비영어권 저자들을 위한 학술 논문출간 영문교정 서비스
월~금 09 : 00 ~ 18 : 00
ID: PSE466

PhD in Nanoscale Science

5+ 년간의 경험

에디터 소개글

University of North Carolina에서 박사과정을 수학한 본 에디터는, Langmuir, CRC Press와 Polyhedron 등의 저널의 논문 작성과 교정을 담당해 오고 있습니다. 또한 과거에는 The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.에서 Senior Materials Scientist로, University of La Verne에서 강사를 역임했습니다.


Applied chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Electrochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Interface and colloid science, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Spectroscopy, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Civil engineering, Nanoengineering, Nanotechnology, Colloid & interface science, Composites, Material characterization and instrumentation, MEMS, Nanomaterials, Polymer science and engineering, Condensed matter physics


PhD, Nanoscale Science, University of North Carolina, USA
BS, Chemisty, The University of La Verne, USA


Senior Materials Scientist, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
Research Assistant, University of North Carolina
Research Lead, Millenium Engineering and Integration Company
Lecturer, University of La Verne

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