비영어권 저자들을 위한 학술 논문출간 영문교정 서비스
월~금 09 : 00 ~ 18 : 00
ID: PSE428

BA in Mathematics

6+ 년간의 경험

에디터 소개글

본 에디터는 Writers Bureau의 편집인과 교정 에디터로써 검증을 받았습니다. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Journal of Defence Modelling and Simulation와 International Journal of Robotics and Research의 논문 교정을 진행해 오고 있습니다. 또한 Society for Editors and Proofreaders UK의 정식회원입니다.


Computer architecture, Computer hardware, Computer software, Human-computer interaction, Information management, Information systems (Business informatics), Knowledge management, Geography, Biomolecular engineering, Textile engineering, Algebra, Applied mathematics, Probability theory, Applied physics, Medical physics, Newtonian dynamics, Sampling and survey, Statistical modeling, Systems theory


BA (Hons), Mathematics, The Open University, UK


Department Head, AMP Society
Strategy and Partnerships Manager, London Borough of Waltham Forest
Finance and IT Manager, London Connects


Society for Editors and Proofreaders UK (SfEP)

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