비영어권 저자들을 위한 학술 논문출간 영문교정 서비스
월~금 09 : 00 ~ 18 : 00
ID: MB321

PhD in Behavioral Ecology and Modeling

11+ 년간의 경험

에디터 소개글

과학 연구와 작가, 교정 에디터로써 11여년간의 경력을 지니고 있습니다. Nature, Biosystems, Journal of Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology와 Animal Behaviour 저널의 편집과 교정 경력을 지니고 있습니다. Associate Editor at Communicative와 Integrative Biology의 어소시에트 에디터로 활동하기도 했습니다.


Animal behavior, Animal physiology, Virology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Cell biology, Zoology, Ecology, Ecological modeling, Environmental science, Genetics, Taxonomy, Bioinformatics, Medical research, Healthcare assessment, Health economics, Computer science, Computational modeling, Economics, Chemistry, and Engineering.


PhD, Behavioral Ecology and Modeling, University of Sheffield, UK
MSc (MRes), Bioinformatics, Exeter University, UK
BSc, Biology (First Class Hons), University of Bristol, UK


Associate Editor, Communicative and Integrative Biology
Research Fellow, University of Sheffield
Data Systems Consultant, National Health Service (UK)
Senior Scientist, South West Water, Exeter (UK)
Senior Scientific Officer, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (UK)

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