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월~금 09 : 00 ~ 18 : 00
ID: MB1630

PhD, Pathology

35+ 년간의 경험

에디터 소개글

프리랜스 과학 및 의학 에디터로서 35년 이상의 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 공식적인 글쓰기 및 컨설팅 회사를 설립하여 보조금 신청(grant application)과 논문 작성 및 편집에 관한 업무를 하고 있습니다. 또한 미국 의학저자협회(American Medical Writers Association) 및 보조금 전문가 협회(Grant Professionals Association)를 비롯한 여러 과학 협회 및 전문가 단체의 회원이기도 합니다. American Journal of Physiology, European Journal of Pharmacology 등 수많은 저널의 리뷰어로 활동했습니다.


Neurobiology, Oncology, Immunology, Neuroscience


PhD, Pathology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA Master of Science, Zoology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA


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Picrosirius red staining of cardiac muscle following phosphomolybdic acid treatment. Stain Technol 62:23-26, 1987. Thin collagenous septa in cardiac muscle. Anat Rec 218:45-55, 1987. Propagating depolarization in anisotropic human and canine cardiac muscle: Apparent directional differences in membrane capacitance. Circ Res 60:206-219, 1987. Influence of the passive anisotropic properties on directional differences in propagation following modification of the sodium conductance in human atrial muscle. A model of reentry based on anisotropic discontinuous propagation. Circ Res 62:811-832, 1988. Structure of canine Bachmann's bundle related to propagation of excitation. Am J Physiol 257:H1446-H1457, 1989. Multiple regional differences in cellular properties that regulate repolarization and contraction in the right atrium of adult and newborn dogs. Circ Res 65:1594-1611, 1989. Interaction of inhomogeneities of repolarization with anisotropic propagation in dog atria: A mechanism for preventing as well as initiating reentry. Circ Res 65:1612-1631, 1989. Properties of discontinuous anisotropic propagation at a microscopic level. Ann NY Acad Sci 591:62-74, 1990. To excite a heart: A bird's view. Acta Physiol Scand 142 (Suppl 599):5-21, 1991. Distribution of gap junctions in dog and rat ventricle studied with a double-label technique. J Mol Cell Cardiol 24:1443-1457, 1992. Conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopy of collagen fibers in the heart. J Histochem Cytochem 41:465-469, 1993. Enhanced myocardial function in transgenic mice overexpressing the β2- adrenergic receptor. Science 264:582-586, 1994. Regional changes in myocyte structure in a model of canine right atrial hypertrophy. Am J Physiol 267:H1279-H1287, 1994. Myocardial expression of a constitutively active α 1B-adrenergic receptor in transgenic mice induces cardiac hypertrophy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:10109-10113, 1994. Marked enhancement in myocardial function resulting from overexpression of a human β-adrenergic receptor gene. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 109:236-241, 1995. Enhanced vasorelaxation by overexpression of β2-adrenergic receptors in large arteries. J Mol Cell Cardiol 30:1037-1045, 1998. Extracellular discontinuities in cardiac muscle: evidence for capillary effects on the action potential foot. Circ Res 83:1144-1164, 1998. Are interatrial band myocytes maximally hypertrophied in normal canine hearts? Am J Physiol 275:H1225-H1235, 1998. βARK1 levels in adrenergic-mediated myocardial hypertrophy: regulation by β but not α1 stimulation. Hypertension 33 (Supp):396-401, 1999. Enhancement of cardiac function following adenoviral-mediated in vivo intracoronary β2-adrenergic receptor gene delivery. J Clin Invest 104:21-29, 1999 Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of the β2- adrenergic receptor to donor hearts enhances cardiac function. Gene Therapy 6:1298-1304, 1999. Electrophysiological effects of remodeling cardiac gap junctions and cell size - Experimental and model studies of normal cardiac growth. Circ Res 86:302-311, 2000 Changes in anisotropic conduction caused by remodeling cell size and the cellular distribution of gap junctions and Na+ channels. J Electrocardiol 34 (Suppl S):69-76, 2001 Modulation of bladder α1-adrenergic receptor subtype expression by bladder outlet obstruction. J Urol 167:1513-1521, 2002 Gesteigerte Expression des Tunnelproteins Connexin43 in der obstruierten Rattenblase – Eine mögliche Ursache obstruktionsbedingter Blasenhyperaktivität [Increased expression of connexin43 in rat bladder outlet obstruction - a possible cause of obstruction-derived bladder hyperactivity]. Aktuelle Urologie 33: 373-381, 2002 Innervation of the female levator ani muscles. Am J Obstet Gynecol 187:64-71, 2002 Innervation of the levator ani muscles in the female rat. Anat Rec 275A:1031-1041, 2003 Innervation of the levator ani muscles in the female squirrel monkey. Am J Obstet Gyn 188:1141-1147, 2003 Induction of bladder-sphincter dyssynergia by kappa-2 opioid receptor agonists in the female rat. J Urol 171:472-477, 2004 Effects of α1- adrenergic receptor subtype-selective antagonists on lower urinary tract function in rats with bladder outlet obstruction. J Urol 172:758-762, 2004 Inhibition of bladder activity by 5-HT1 serotonin receptor agonists in cats with chronic spinal cord injury. J Pharm Exp Ther 310:1266-1272, 2004 Cell size and communication: role in structural and electrical development and remodeling of the heart. Heart Rhythm 1:500-515, 2004 Immunohistochemical evidence for the interaction between levator ani and pudendal motor neurons in the coordination of pelvic floor and visceral activity in the squirrel monkey. Am J Obstet Gynecol 192:1506-1515, 2005 Distribution and immunohistochemical characterization of primary afferent neurons innervating the levator ani muscle of the female squirrel monkey. Am J Obstet Gynecol 195:987-96, 2006 Mechanism of origin of conduction disturbances in aging human atrial bundles: Experimental and model study. Heart Rhythm 4:175-185, 2007 Activation of the spinal external urethral pattern generator by a 5-HT1A serotonin agonist in rats with chronic spinal cord injury. Am J Physiol Regul Integ Comp Physiol 292(4):R1699-R1706, 2007 Effect of 5-HT1 serotonin receptor agonists on micturition in cats with chronic spinal cord injury under nociceptive infusion conditions. J Urol 177:2381-2385, 2007 Diabetic urethropathy compounds the effects of diabetic cystopathy. J Urol 178:2213-2219, 2007 Voltage-dependent potassium currents of urethral afferent neurons in diabetes mellitus. Brain Research 1217:132-138, 2008 Sprouting of substance P-expressing primary afferent central terminals and spinal micturition reflex NK1 receptor dependence after spinal cord injury. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 295:R2084-R2096, 2008 Differential vulnerabilities of urethral afferents in diabetes and discovery of a novel urethra-to-urethra reflex. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 298:F118-F124, 2010 Enhanced susceptibility to urinary tract infection in the spinal cord-injured host with neurogenic bladder. Infection and Immunity 81:3018-3026, 2013 Type 1 angiotensin receptors on macrophages ameliorate interleukin-1 receptor-mediated kidney fibrosis. Journal of Clinical Investigation 124(5):2198-2203, 2014 The effects of Ins2(Akita) diabetes and chronic angiotensin II infusion on cystometric properties in mice. Neurourology and Urodynamics 34:72-78, 2015 The effects of bilateral bipolar sacral neurostimulation on urinary bladder activity during

자격증 및 수상경력

Clarence Gardner Award, Department of Surgery, Duke University


Founder and Senior Writer, Dolber Writing and Consulting, League City, Texas, USA Senior Scientist II, Department of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA Research Biologist, Surgery Service, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA Research Physiologist, Research Service, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA Research Associate, Department of Physiology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA


Society for Neuroscience American Physiological Society Society for Clinical and Translational Science American Association for Cancer Research American Medical Writers Association Grant Professionals Association

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