비영어권 저자들을 위한 학술 논문출간 영문교정 서비스
월~금 09 : 00 ~ 18 : 00
ID: PS-152

PhD English

32+ 년간의 경험

에디터 소개글

문학 분야에 폭넓은 경력을 보유하고 있습니다. 30년 이상 강의한 경험이 있습니다. 총 32편의 저작물을 출판한 저자로, 그중 13편은 학술 출판물이고 학술대회에서 자신의 논문을 19회 발표했습니다. 프로젝트 제안서, 부문별 조사서, 교육 매뉴얼, 연례 보고서, 뉴스레터를 기획, 연구, 작성, 편집하는 등 고객 커뮤니케이션을 원활히 하는 일을 수행했습니다.


Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Literary Criticism

Literature, Theater, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Development Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Photography


PhD: English, Queen’s University, Kingston

M.A.: English, University of Toronto

B.A.: English, University of Toronto


Senior Lecturer, Coordinator; Literature Section: English Single Major Programme. Taught academic writing, business writing, history of the novel, modern poetry, and Humanitiess.

External Examiner: Examination/moderation of undergraduate courses and MA and PhD theses.

Senior Consultant: Facilitation of client-communication planning; research; writing; and editing

project proposals, sectoral studies, training manuals, annual reports, and newsletters.

Assistant Professor: Taught communication skills, intercultural communication, gender studies,

and public speaking.

Senior Lecturer: Taught communication skills, theatre arts, and history of English.

Assistant Professor: Taught rhetoric and composition, 18th century literature, and Shakespeare literature.

Sessional Lecturer: Taught rhetoric and composition, 18th century poetry, and the history of novels.

관련 프로필